Another pathway to think about - Ireland PRES?

Published: 1st Feb, 2021

UK has always been the golden destination for International Medical Graduates, and would very likely continue for long. However, with the pandemic and a shortfall of test dates, it might be worth considering alternatives. In this blog, I aim to elaborate a bit more about a lesser known pathway, ie. Ireland's PRES

PRES is the three stage process:
- PRES Level 1 Assessment: This is an eligibility assessment
- PRES Level 2 Assessment: This is an MCQ based test
- PRES Level 3 Assessment: This is a Clinical assessment

Candidates who have completed their internship from approved countries, and meeting other conditions are completely exempt from the PRES Level 2 & 3 assessments. Moreover, non-exempt candidates who have completed PLAB 1, are exempted from PRES Level 2 and may apply for Level 3 directly

The dates for examinations this year both PLAB 2 or PRES 3 are unclear with constantly changing restrictions. However, it is advisable that aspiring candidates evaluate both options, and keep an eye on available dates/seats as and when published

  • Key benefit of Ireland vs UK: Quick path to Permanent Residence in 2 years (for specific professions including Medical practitioners under the Critical Skills Employment Permit scheme)
  • Key benefit of UK vs Ireland: Access to multiple specialty training opportunities

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